Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mysterious Major

The Mysterious Major
What did Schmahling mean when he said that in crushing the boy in his classroom, he was destroying something in himself? What was he destroying? How was it like what the Nazis were destroying in the people they ruled?

He meant that he knows how people can be mean even though they dont mean it. Probably the students will now think of him as a old nasty teacher after destroying the little boys joy. The Nazi's were like this because by crushing the German's free speech, they were destroying the German peoples admiring of them, of course this only happend to those people who where against the nazi's doings.

Monday, February 27, 2012


I chose the poem victory, because sad and depressing. Mainly because its about how they both have their last moments together. What stood out was how the father spoke to sonia about the last day and the dance. And also how sonia described how the beautiful the moment was. What touched my feeling is how she siad: I DANCED WITH YOU THAT ONE TIME ONLY.HOW SAD YOU WERE, HOW TIRED, LONELY YOU KNEW THAT THEY WOULD “TAKE” YOU SOON, and TO GRASP THIS MOMENT… SENSE THE MOOD;




YOUR VICTORY. I dont have a father by my side.... So ill use my mom as an example. That moment when i gained independence in badminton, what i mean by that is i usually cry if i lose a match when i was small, but after that i learned how to accept loss, so usually my mom would pretend to lose in oder for me to win, but this time i told her to play the best she could, i played with my mom for the first time with her actual strength, she made me go back and fourth, and in the end i lost, but now i can beat her but i thank her for teaching me to accept losing and moving on with my life, but i didn't give up yet i trained so hard so that i can be the "best" and now i have many rival to face and beat! This connects me to the poem because it shows the bond between me and my mom having fun, just like sonia and her father.

Here is the actual poem by her: Sonia Weitz Victory

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hitlers rise to power!

Well i think that when Hindenburg of the weimar republic passed away the Nazi and Adolf hitler was happy since that one enemy was down. During hyperinflation Germany was really upset and was depressed of everything that happened, from the Treaty of Versailles to Germany's Hyperinflation. Of course to Hitler he saw this as a perfect opportunity to gain power. Hitler promised to get rid of the Treaty. After that, Hyperinflation occurred many were poor and some lost jobs and business crashed, etc, In the crisis, people wanted someone to blame, and looked to extreme solutions. Hitler offered them both, and Nazi success in the elections grew. Germans turned to Nazism because they were desperate. The number of Nazi seats in the Reichstag rose from 12 in 1928 to 230 in July 1932. This depression was like a gift because for every problem the Nazi Party had come up with an explanation or promise. These included, promise to get rid of the hated Weimar government and replace it with a strong leader-Hitler, a promise to get people back to work on road building and public works, and a promise to deal with a communist take-over. The people agreed an was happy to Hitlers idea. In November 1932, Hitler, in the Reichstag elections, the Nazi Party won 37.3% of the votes (230 seats) proving the Nazi party to be the most popular party. Hindenburg and Papen came up with a plan to get the Nazis on their side by offering to make Hitler vice chancellor. He refused and demanded to be made chancellor. They agreed, thinking they could control him. Later, President Hindenburg however, despised Hitler and appointed Franz Von Papen as his chancellor.
General Von Schleicher stopped supporting Von Papen and decided he himself should become chancellor. This triggered off a power struggle between Von Schleicher and Von Papen, which ended up with them handing power to Hitler. In the end Hitler became chancellor and that is how he gained power.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Numberg Laws

1. Who could now be defined as a "Jew"?2. What was meant by "Aryanizing" Jewish Businesses?3. How were Jews who were professionals (lawyers, doctors etc.) restricted?4. What did Jewish identity cards need to include now?5. What was the "Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People" (sum up in your own words)?This blog entry is worth 10 pts. 2 pts. for each well constructed and thorough answer. This is due on Wednesday, Feb. 15.

1: If anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents was defined as a Jew, OR anyone who praticed Chirstanity.

2: This meant that Jewish workers and managers were dismissed, and the ownership of most Jewish businesses was taken over by non-Jewish Germans who bought them at bargain prices fixed by Nazi.

3: Jewish doctors were forbidden to help non-Jews, and Jewish lawyers were not permitted to practice law.

4: They were required to carry identity cards, but the government added special identifying marks to theirs: a red "J" stamped on them and new middle names for all those Jews who did not possess recognizably "Jewish" first names -- "Israel" for males, "Sara" for females. Such cards allowed the police to identify Jews easily.

5: The law was to make two couples that wanted to get married get a certificate from the public health authorities to prove that they are both fit to marry each other. Some certificate were not given to people who had "hereditary illnesses" and contagious diseases and those attempting to marry in violation of the Nuremberg Laws.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hitler Takes Control: Targeting the Communists and other Political Parties

Civil rights are personal rights guaranteed and protected by the Country or believe you follow. Some cvil important to me regarding Malaysia rights are Freedom of Speech and Expression, Freedom of religion and etc. Nazi Party were good environmentalists which of course would be good for everybody. They alos provided financial and social aid to people. Not to mention the soldiers got to enter peoples house and make anyone a suspect. The people liked this because then they could get rid of the spies in Germany. Also when Reichstag was burned down. Hitler blamed it on the Communist and therefore, the Germans said that they should be punished for what they did,the punishment was the end of the the Civil rights for the Communist. Hitler was very happy due to the fact he disliked the Communist.